Device name Ultrasonic NDE System
(KOR) 초음파 비파괴검사 시스템
Producer 4U TECH
Model TTU
Equipment description

○ This equipment analyzes various defects (delamination, impact damage, overlap, wrinkle, misalignment/misorientation, undulation, void, etc.) of composite materials without breaking them.


○ Equipment to verify the effectiveness of the composite material process developed by deriving optimal material and process variables and minimizing internal defects

Configuration and specifications
○ Type
- Waterjet Squirter
- Multiple curved (3D scan)

○Squirter type
- Squirter type: 6axis robot
- Water-jet system
- Scan area: 1.5m x 2.5m x 1.5m (L x W x H)
- Ultrasonic Probe, Pulser, Receiver
- 3D scaning software and analysis software

○ Applied Materials
- Pilot-scale automotive parts
- CFRP, GFRP, Sandwich structure(CFRP + Hard foam)